New Panem single Face Tomorrow acoustic version Nov 17
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Our drummer Mogan is a bit of a sound geek, always tweaking, looking for different ways of recording and using new gear. Also, he's always said that our songs had an acoustic feel to them. At some point, he fell in love with the Coles 4038 Ribbon mics. He got a pair of those and went straight over to our go-to recording studio to try them out and record some drums using those 4038s exclusively, much like it was done for the BBC radio broadcasts in the 50s. He and Thierry were blown away by the result so they thought 'hey, we should record an acoustic song with the whole band, using these Coles for everything...' It didn't take much thinking to agree on an acoustic version of Face Tomorrow.
So here it is, vocals, instruments everything recorded exclusively with the Coles 4038.